Higher Dimensions
Holistic Wellness Center
Higher Dimensions
Holistic Wellness Center
Reiki Distance Session
Reiki Distance Session
What Is Distant Reiki?
The International Center For Reiki Training (ICRT) defines Reiki as: “ a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. “
Life force energy is the billions of tiny particles that move faster than any speed we can record and which holds all things together. It knows no bounds of time or space. Therefore it can be directed through time and space, much like electricity.
Distant Reiki works the same as an in-person Reiki session except that the person receiving Reiki is not in the same room. Remember that Reiki is precisely directed energy. Think of it as the practitioner being a cellphone making a call and you are the cellphone receiving the call. In Distant Reiki, it is the practitioner’s focus and intent to send the energy to the client, and that person’s willingness to receive it, that makes it work.
How does Distant Reiki benefit the client?
- Promotes deep relaxation
- Promotes pain relief
- Helps relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Helps relieve symptoms of chronic health problems
- Aids in recovery from surgery
- Aids in recovery from grief and loss
- Stimulates the immune system to detoxify the body
- Encourages restful sleep
How Does A Distant Session Work?
The practitioner and client agree upon a time for the session and discuss any goals the client may have for the session. The practitioner might ask for a picture of the client, although this is not necessary. 5 Minutes before the appointed time I will text you to let you know I am starting the session. At the appointed time, the client should be sitting or lying down in a quiet comfortable place, so as not to be disturbed for the length of the session.
The practitioner prepares for the session in the same manner as for an in-person treatment. This involves clearing the healing space of any unwanted energy. Soft soothing music and aromatherapy are frequently used, just as they would during an in-person session. The practitioner sets the intent of deep healing and blessing for the client, and expresses gratitude for the gift of Reiki.
The Reiki energy is directed to similar positions on the body that are treated during an in-person session through the use of a surrogate. My clients have had experiences ranging from deep relaxation to the unblocking of sinuses, relief of migraine and arthritis pain, lessening of incision swelling and pain, and the release of negative energy and anxiety through tears . The effects of distant Reiki are just as profound as those experienced in an in-person session.
What Happens After The Session?
When the session is complete, take a few moments before getting up and moving about. Open your eyes and become readjusted to your surroundings. You may want to sip some water, herbal tea, or eat some chocolate. Listen to your body and rest and move accordingly.
At the end of a session I will be texting or calling you to follow up on what I have experienced and what you have experienced, plus answer any questions that you may have at that time.
Gregg LeMay

1 Hour Distance Reiki Session
1 Hour Distance Reiki Session
Please take the opportunity to book your session below.